The Places You‘ve Been
Mixed Media on Wood
2022The Places You’ve Been and The Places You’ll Go, you see to large wooden panels, covered in layers of paint, cloth, paper, color and line. Using collected family heirlooms, paper, and wood, these pieces bring together a combination of materials that allows for mutliple meanings and stories to be captures and reflected back on to the viewer. Both paintings were created simaltoneously, going back and forth between the two responding to each other in real time. In The Places You’ve Been, I see personal memories of ancestral voyages and traumas that have brought me to the place I am today. On the right a female figure holds a child in her arms with another standing next to her, waiting for the ships to arrive. A serpentine figure that morphs into a sharks mouth glides across the top edge seeking to devour the sun. Remnants of cloth, tatters of paper, the bending and moving of lines through space. This moments are all living and breathing on this surface. For others they may not see these, but that is the point.
These messages come from a personal engagement with the surface and materials, but can serve as mirrors to the viewering reflecting back their own histories through time and space. In, The Places You’ll Go, the painting serves as a relfection of what will or could be. Seeking for a window into the future, the engagement of energy and color moves through the picture plan. Depictions of alligators, volcanos, loom structures, and mountains penetrate the eye and forces myself to ask what is next and where will I go?
The Places You‘ve Been, 2022
DetailDetailThe Places You’ll Go, 2022