Green and Yellow on Pink
Plain Woven Screen over Hand Quilted Screen Printed Towels, Wool, Linen, Cotton, Galvanized Piping, and Plastisol Screen Printing Ink, 8’x7’
Year: 2023
Working within the grid structure allows for a unique way to plan and layer weavings. Translating these to the loom pushes the boundaries of how I view my drawings and prints as weavings and my weavings as drawings and prints. This "weaving" is presented as a two panel, two-layer handwoven screen over a hand-quilted, hand screen printed towel layer. The green stripes and orange linen squares are hand dyed using an ikat dyeing technique of tying string as a dye resist. The yellow horizontal lines are created using three different shades of yellow in a radiating gradient with the brightest shade of yellow wool lying within the middle of the stripe. The back towel panels have been screen printed using plastisol inks and then quilted, using their patterns and markings as movement through the object engaging the viewer to travel deep within this grid structure.
DetailGreen and Yellow on Pink, 2023